Saturday, December 1, 2007


Tonight I had the chance to hear ROB BELL in person at the Allen Theater with a friend. I was impressed that it was a sell out crowd when I saw no advertising done for this event anywhere in Cleveland. There was nothing in the PLAIN DEALER, no mailer to area churches, nothing on the radio. It was all word of mouth. I stumbled across it on Rob Bell’s web site while downloading a service and checking out the NOOMA videos.
The event was so clean. There was no “opening act”, no announcements, no “preliminaries”. He just came out and started talking and captivated the audience for an hour and 48 minutes. What an excellent communicator. He started in Genesis and progressed through to Hebrews. His presentation was very authentic and inspiring, not religious or churchie or offensive, unless maybe to the churchie at times like when he jokingly said "flannelgraph that!". He wasted no time or words.
My take-away from the night? Hmmmm… I walked away challenged to look at any gods that might have crept into my life; challenged to embrace what God has done to redeem me rather than striving to get in His good favor. Rob shared that his friend kept saying throughout their visit at a restaurant (after he was pastoring a growing church), “you don’t have to live this way anymore”. That was a freeing statement and sometimes, even as Christians, we need to hear that.

One of the best treats was that out of the hundreds of people in the audience I turned to see that the people with tickets to the seats next to me were Bryan and Carolyn Karas (the newlyweds!). Bryan was our worship leader and ministry intern at Rockside Church in our earlier days. He's now he’s the worship/arts pastor at 707 and is presenting the message next Sunday, December 9 at 7:00 PM. Check him out if you’re free. It was so great to see them and sit next them tonight. Love you guys!

The conclusion was so compelling and the presentation of the gospel had been so clearly presented. I only wondered what it would have hurt to turn the direction to the audience for a “what about you?” type of reflection. I know people are on a continuum toward Christ and many decisions are made after people leave. I’m sure Rob Bell has given careful thought to the entire presentation including his decision to NOT guide people toward a decision. No doubt there were people ready to say yes to Christ in one form or another if even privately. I just wonder if the searching listener could be better served one degree further on their journey toward Christ if given some sort of direction toward that end. If you have an opinion about that, I’d love to hear it.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The shining light in the background isn’t anything spiritual. It’s the glare off the jumbo score board at the Quicken Loans Arena at Tuesday’s Cleveland Cavs game. They lost (needlessly) to the Milwaukee Bucks, but the day was a winner for me because I got to spend it with my mom. It was her first pro basketball game. She was a cheerleader in high school so understands the basics of the game and, well, still has quite a bit of “scream” in her I found out!

I’m proud of my mom for her willingness to try new things like getting her ears pierced, using a blue tooth and trying Indian food. When our dad passed away, my sisters and I saw Mom step up with courage to do a lot of things for the first time like writing checks (which she is really good at now), calling a plumber, driving to visit us by herself and so much more. I’m thankful for my mother, for the benevolent way she cares well for people, for her sense of humor, for the ways she has always made the holidays special, for her uncomplicated and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and for being my mom. I love you, Mom!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Yesterday our church merged with 6 other churches and 3 organizations to host DAN SMITH and MOMENTUM BAND. They did school assemblies in the day time then a CONCERT and COMEDY event in the evening at the Independence High School with free pizza and pop.
My takeaway from the day?

1) Well, I was reminded how much I love teenagers and love seeing them have a chance to make good choices and know God better.

2) I was so encouraged by the number of adults I met (pastors, principals, public servants, parents) who deeply care about students too and share that same desire.

3) Dan Smith is a really funny guy but more than that, he and his wife Shannon, and their team, James and Christine Fruits and the crew, have such great attitudes and humble hearts. I felt like a made a lot of really wonderful friends yesterday. It was an awesome day!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


This past Sunday was a great day for me because my profession happens to have an “appreciation day” that was recognized. (I hope yours does, too). My leadership team led the way in passing the microphone around and letting people who wanted to say words of personal appreciation. At first, I’ll admit I was a bit uncomfortable with it, maybe a tad embarrassed. But as the first person began to talk, I thought, “no, I’m going to soak this in and enjoy it!” Is that a crazy thought or what? :-) As different ones shared, I felt like a dry sponge just soaking in a needed refreshing. Each person’s words were special because of who was speaking and the relationship I have with that particular person.

Most pain in life happens in the context of relationships. So doesn't it just makes sense that restoration and refreshing also happen in the context of relationship? May we all be more intentional to see the power of words of affirmation, both giving and receiving, work to restore and refresh. Thanks, guys, (you know who you are) for your kind words. I love you and appreciate you too!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


In September, an e-mail invitation came from Rick Duncan, pastor at Cuyahoga Valley Church, to a group of pastors from the area inviting us to gather to pray together for an hour and invite other pastors. I was pleasingly surprised at the good turn-out and the joy that praying together brought. The group decided to meet monthly for an hour of prayer. When I think of the significance of this - unity among ministry leaders calling on the name of the Lord together -- it overwhelms my expectations.
At the most recent gathering, Rick prayed something like this... "Lord, remind us PRAYER is not PREPARATION for ministry. Prayer IS the ministry." I've been chewing on that all week.
This week I listened to the podcasts of Stan Tharp and Dave Thomas, pastors of two of the strongest Assembly of God Churches in Ohio, addressing the topic Lessons I've Learned Along the Journey from the FORUM (available at The over riding theme they both shared is that pastors and ministry leaders must get into the presence of God and hear from God for themselves, resisting the temptation to copy others and compare ourselves among ourselves. This week I've set aside time on my calendar this week to do just that... BE WITH JESUS. (Isaiah 30:18, Isaiah 64:4, Matthew 11:28-30)

Monday, October 1, 2007


Deciding to volunteer at an English Second Language class in my apartment complex has turned out to be one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had. Our "class" has become very good friends over the months. We've taken field trips, hosted guest speakers, enjoyed being in one another's homes and had a fun summer picnic together. Believe me when I say that I receive more than I give and learn more than I teach. On my church's 4th anniversary, two families (one Muslim, one Hindu) honored me By attending church with me. Today I look forward to experiencing a first. I've been invited to a Ramadan dinner at sunset at the home of my friend who is a Muslim Turk. I'm so thankful for my new friends.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Dream Come True

I don't remember how old I was, but I remember having to stand on my tip toes to see over the counter to watch the cotton candy being made. Republic Steel (where our dad worked) sponsored a company picnic at Idora Park in Youngstown every summer my parents took my sisters and I for the day. Two thoughts went through my mind as I watched the cotton candy lady do her magic. "I would love to have that job when I grow up!" and "wouldn't it be fun to eat right out of the machine!"

I've grown up since then. But I haven't lost my love for cotton candy. And I never got to make the stuff .... until today that is.
For the July 4th event, our church sold cotton candy. But the line was non-stop and our team was focused and serious and, well, they were professionals. I watched in amazement from a distance and did get a huge bag to eat. Today the crowd was light and there was no line at our booth. Today was my day. At first, I politely offered. "Does anyone need a break?" "Need any help in there?" The three capable guys returned the politeness with a "no thanks".

I knew my approach would need to change so I humbled myself and begged. "Hey, John would it be okay if I gave that a try?" He passed me a cone, stepped aside and said, "Sure, help yourself."

For the next hour, I spun bubblegum, blueberry and cherry cotton candy. Was it all I had dreamed? Yes! and more. You can relax, because I assure you I did NOT eat right of the machine. But driving home, eating out of my personal bag of bubblegum flavored cotton candy propped up on the passenger's seat, a smile came over my face as I realized it had been a day of a fulfilled dream.. in a sweet and fluffy way.

MOONDOG, My Kinda Guy!

"Hey, there goes MOONDOG across the parking lot! Let's go meet him."
"Come on, hurry, he's leaving. Let's go!"

Here, take my phone I want a picture with him."

The mascot for the CLEVELAND CAVALIERS is a cross between an acrobat, an athlete and an entertainer and today, he made my day! Thanks, MOONDOG!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ma'am, This is NOT a church.

Since last November, I've been meeting monthly with a group of Christians from all walks of life (educators, social workers, clergy, concerned citizens) who want to pray and collaborate for a Greater Cleveland through the power of Jesus Christ.

Today, we were honored to have Mayor Frank Jackson address the group and field questions. (Thanks to Channel 8 for covering the story). Knowing he was talking to people connected to the church, the Mayor shared a story about a day in the office at his newly opened campaign headquarters when he first ran for Ward 5 councilman years ago. A known neighborhood prostitute, in a moment of wanting to change and reach out for hope, wandered in to the building. He was dressed in a suit and the chairs were arranged in such a way that he resembled a preacher and the room a storefront church. As he listened to the lady speak, he realized that was the assumption she had made. Finally he said to the lady, "Ma'am, this is not a church." She hung her head, walked out, across the street and got in the car of a john and road away.
My involvement in church planting, both at Rockside Church and across Ohio, caused my heart to leap inside me to say, "God help us to plant more churches and especially inside the cities." But beyond the need for more churches, what if we were to see more Christian hairdressers, realtors, bankers, librarians, doctors and truck drivers who leave for work each day full of the Holy Spirit and understanding that WE ARE THE CHURCH. That lady didn't need to find a preacher nor a church building. She just needed to meet one Christian willing to hold out hope for her and show her the love of Christ. May God help us rewrite that story in Cleveland.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 14, 2007 - Friday

.. "Hey Leann, I'm sitting in a Nichole Nordeman concert and couldn't help but think of you. How are you? Love you." (sent from portable device). What a surprise to hear from you! Is Nichole as wonderful as ever? How are you? I love you, too."
Leann moved from Cleveland to New Mexico about 9 years ago and we both have a deep appreciation for Nichole Nordeman's composing and ministry.
The answer is YES! She's as incredible as ever. Last night Cuyahoga Community Church sponsored Nichole in concert here in Cleveland. She is so comfortable on the stage and non pretentious. Her writing is deep, creative and moving. Her performance ... the same, really. Pure, clear, authentic, acoustic excellence. I only wish she would have kept going another hour. Highlights? Hmmm... Her song "I AM" hit me in a new way because of the series we're doing at Rockside Church right now looking at the various names of God. It's a perpetual pursuit to uncover all of God's qualities. The CONCEPT she shared that stuck with me the most is the funny story of buying suction bagging from an info-mercial, then wondering what would remain of our Christianity if we vacuumed all the space and hot air away and nothing remained but the substance of us and GOD and that connection. I've been rolling that thought around in my head all day today. Fantastic concert. Thanks Pastor Brian and CVC for Nichole Nordeman! Leann, let's swap an e-mail!