Thursday, November 22, 2007


The shining light in the background isn’t anything spiritual. It’s the glare off the jumbo score board at the Quicken Loans Arena at Tuesday’s Cleveland Cavs game. They lost (needlessly) to the Milwaukee Bucks, but the day was a winner for me because I got to spend it with my mom. It was her first pro basketball game. She was a cheerleader in high school so understands the basics of the game and, well, still has quite a bit of “scream” in her I found out!

I’m proud of my mom for her willingness to try new things like getting her ears pierced, using a blue tooth and trying Indian food. When our dad passed away, my sisters and I saw Mom step up with courage to do a lot of things for the first time like writing checks (which she is really good at now), calling a plumber, driving to visit us by herself and so much more. I’m thankful for my mother, for the benevolent way she cares well for people, for her sense of humor, for the ways she has always made the holidays special, for her uncomplicated and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and for being my mom. I love you, Mom!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Yesterday our church merged with 6 other churches and 3 organizations to host DAN SMITH and MOMENTUM BAND. They did school assemblies in the day time then a CONCERT and COMEDY event in the evening at the Independence High School with free pizza and pop.
My takeaway from the day?

1) Well, I was reminded how much I love teenagers and love seeing them have a chance to make good choices and know God better.

2) I was so encouraged by the number of adults I met (pastors, principals, public servants, parents) who deeply care about students too and share that same desire.

3) Dan Smith is a really funny guy but more than that, he and his wife Shannon, and their team, James and Christine Fruits and the crew, have such great attitudes and humble hearts. I felt like a made a lot of really wonderful friends yesterday. It was an awesome day!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


This past Sunday was a great day for me because my profession happens to have an “appreciation day” that was recognized. (I hope yours does, too). My leadership team led the way in passing the microphone around and letting people who wanted to say words of personal appreciation. At first, I’ll admit I was a bit uncomfortable with it, maybe a tad embarrassed. But as the first person began to talk, I thought, “no, I’m going to soak this in and enjoy it!” Is that a crazy thought or what? :-) As different ones shared, I felt like a dry sponge just soaking in a needed refreshing. Each person’s words were special because of who was speaking and the relationship I have with that particular person.

Most pain in life happens in the context of relationships. So doesn't it just makes sense that restoration and refreshing also happen in the context of relationship? May we all be more intentional to see the power of words of affirmation, both giving and receiving, work to restore and refresh. Thanks, guys, (you know who you are) for your kind words. I love you and appreciate you too!