Sunday, March 30, 2014


I rarely click on videos people post on facebook, but this one caught my attention. Maybe it’s my love and history with choirs. When I played it, I was deeply moved to tears and played it a second time (also something I never do).

What was it about this college choir on a plane singing “Give Me Jesus” that got to me?  There’s no place like a delayed plane on a tarmac to cause a large quantity of busy and diverse people to come to a screeching hault … together.  And in that pause, a message of simplicity about Divinity intersected via music.  Amazing.

But it was more than that.  Those lyrics … “you can have all of this world, just give me Jesus” …  pierced soul that has been wearied by this week’s current events.

On Tuesday, it was the Supreme Court’s hearing of the case against Hobby Lobby about whether first amendment (religious liberties) applies to for-profit corporations.  Then World Vision captured the attention when they changed their employment policy regarding hiring gay married couples then reversed it 2 days later. Right now, the theaters are playing NOAH, SON OF GOD, GOD’S NOT DEAD all at the same time. Attention (good and bad) is being drawn to Christians.  Debate is ensuing among Christians.  People I love and respect on opposing sides of issues. With blogging, facebook, texting, etc., words fly more fast and freely than any time in history.   We will never again be at a loss for one more opinion or perspective on any topic.  At times, it’s exhausting!  It causes me to long for greater revelation of the person of Jesus Christ and to just be with Him?  “Just give me Jesus.” I think I’ll hit play one more time. “…. Just give me Jesus.”