Monday, December 22, 2008

Does FAMILY GUY know Jesus Christ accurately?

As I read again the Christmas story from the Bible in Luke 2, it was verse 32 that jumped out at me when Simeon declared that “Jesus came as a LIGHT to reveal God to the nations”. God must have felt he wasn’t being known adequately and accurately to all the world that He needed to send Jesus to bridge the gap between humanity and deity. Two Thousand years later, I wonder if Jesus is known adequately and accurately. As I listen to my Muslim friends refer to Jesus as just a prophet, I long for them to know Jesus as the Son of God and the One whose acceptance can assure them of eternity in heaven. As I listen to a teacher of Cleveland Schools elementary students tell how Santa is better known than Jesus and a chocolate cross got mistaken for a “T”, I pray for those young students to personally know Jesus as the Friend who can stick closer than a brother and the LIGHT on their path of this journey through life. Last week while waiting for Fox Channel 8 news to begin, an episode of Family Guy caught my attention. My attention turned to grief and then a prayer. I pray for the creators of that blasphemous, inaccurate and disrespectful portrayal of Jesus and all those who saw it to encounter the reality that Jesus came to bind up a broken heart and set free every person locked in bondage. As we Christians busy ourselves with the traditions, gift involvement and even church activities that come with this holiday season, may we take time to lock our gaze on that Light of Luke 2:32, the person of Jesus Christ and give our heartfelt, personal focus to the Lover of our souls, the only One who can make us whole, who is still the Reason we celebrate Christmas. Possibly God can then use us as a light to point to "the LIGHT who came to reveal God to the nations."

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