Sunday, August 9, 2009

After delivering a powerful acceptance speech and receiving a standing ovation, the first woman elected to the office of executive presbyter at the national level of our denomination was congratulated by her ministry colleagues of the executive presbytery (pictured here). BETH GRANT lifted our gaze to the bigger picture of the needs of our world and the value of working together. This afternoon at that podium, BETH was an inspiration to every woman in ministry and a cheerleader to ever man who has ever used his influence to affirm and assist a woman called of God. I’m especially glad to see Beth on the Presbytery because, as a world missionary, she brings a global perspective and missional sensitivity to the table that will remind us of our roots as an organization and our assignment as believers.

Moments later, BRYAN JARRETT, age 35, was elected to the Executive Presbytery representing ordained pastors under 40 years of age. I hope today’s action rings a message out across our fellowship that the Assemblies of God values it’s younger ministers and needs their voice in places of influence. I had a chance to congratulate him, take his picture and visit for a few minutes. We are so much the better for inviting diversity to the table. I love it when we can identify what we want to change, design a plan, then execute the plan. What a great day and I had a front row seat to it all!

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