Saturday, December 13, 2014

Depression in December

For those of us in the people-helping arena, it's no secret that depression is highest in December more than any other month of the year. Here are a few tips that I've found helpful.

1)      LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS.  They may be justified and good expectations. But that space between your reality and your mental expectations is where depression lives. Holiday movies, facebook posts or Christmas newsletters create a snapshot of high points that can't portray the full story that includes challenge and investment.

2)      MAKE NEW MEMORIES WHILE HONORING THE PAST. Nostalgia can become a dangerous trap if we get locked into yesteryear.  Glance back, remember, thank God for what was good, be realistic about what was not … then be fully present today. Today is a gift for fresh experiences and new memories.

3)      WATCH FOR SOMEONE YOU CAN BLESS.   You have something to offer that will touch someone. Watch for it.

4)    FIND SPACE TO FEEL.   If you try to ignore or stuff your emotions, they often come out sideways in other forms (e.g. anger, shutting down, addictive behaviors, illness).  Another option is to go off and find some space to feel. Whether it's reflective journaling, listening to music, having a good cry or taking a crisp winter walk/run, finding space to feel can bring freedom, mostly if Jesus is invited to join you.  While you talk with Jesus listen to Him and let Him GIFT YOU with His extreme love for you. It was out of love for you that Jesus came on that first Christmas and He's alive and waiting to be invited into your space.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Comin' Home, Comin' Home, Lord I'm Comin' Home!!! (Welcome, LeBron James!)

I am absolutely thrilled about today’s news that LeBRON JAMES is coming home to play for Cleveland!  The "team" I’m on prays for Cleveland  around 7 areas* and one of them is SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT.  Why? Because it matters.  All things are spiritual, even NBA basketball.

Just as God used both believing and unbelieving Kings in the Old Testament to accomplish His purposes, God continues to advance His will and respond to believing prayers through the lives of people from all walks of life.

When God calls people to make a difference in this world, He’s not just looking for pastors, priests and other clergy.  God is calling mayors, musicians, moms, marines (okay, I’ll leave the m’s) teachers, beauty pageant winners, nurses and, yes, even basketball players to make a difference with the talent and opportunities given to them by God.

In today's Essay by LeBron James, he addresses  his understanding of his calling when he says “But this is not about the roster or the organization. I feel my calling here goes above basketball. I have a responsibility to lead, in more ways than one, and I take that very seriously. My presence can make a difference in Miami, but I think it can mean more where I’m from.”

Just a few other notables from his essay released today that caught my attention. It appears that  …

1) LeBron is growing and changing as a person. My relationship with Northeast Ohio is bigger than basketball. I didn’t realize that four years ago. I do now.”

2) LeBron is grateful … “Miami, for me, has been almost like college for other kids. These past four years helped raise me into who I am … Without the experiences I had there, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing today.”

3) LeBron knows being a great athlete and a better man are not one in the same. “ … I became a better player and a better man.”

4) LeBron cares about his family when he says 'But I have two boys and my wife, Savannah, is pregnant with a girl. I started thinking about what it woudl be like to raise my family i nmy hometown."

5) LeBron  set a good example of resolving conflict well, face to face, offering and receiving forgiveness. He writes "i've met with Dan, face-to-face, man-to-man. We've talked ti out. Everybody makes mistakes. I've made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge?"

That’s about LeBron. Now how about us, the fans of Cleveland.  

Have you ever seen a city more hungry to hold high a King of Hope, more wanting to worship a hero, more certain we need a savior? Those are good desires when aimed at Creator of the Universe, our Almighty God through his Son, Christ Jesus. But they’re dangerous when misdirected. How many more Judeo-Christian play-on-words can marketers use? (The Return, King James, Witness, For6iven, The Kingdom Restored, Coming Home, the Chosen One, Believe.)   So what’s on us, as fans, to keep in focus?  Well, let’s remember a few things.

  • Let’s remember LeBron James is a 29 year old dad/husband/son … just a man.  He’s a young man who has, for the most part, done a good job at navigating the trappings our culture imposes upon professional sports personalities.  So on our part as fans, no more name calling, no boo-ing and no Messianic expectations of a mere mortal.
  • Let’s remember that IDOLATRY offends the Lord. It’s one of the 10 commandments.  LeBron is a great athlete to be admired, a man to be prayed for … but certainly not an idol to bow down to.
  • Let’s remember there’s only one King who’s the Savior of the world and His name is Christ Jesus.
  • Let’s remember it’s only a game. NBA is entertainment, not our life! Unless you’re employed by the industry, it might be time to get back to work. Don’t let this consume you.  We all have a calling from God and it’s probably not to be a full-time NBA fan.
 There's no place like home ... and we're not there yet. 

*Seven prayer mountains: Sports & Entertainment, Business, Government, Media, Education, Family, Churches & Faith.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I rarely click on videos people post on facebook, but this one caught my attention. Maybe it’s my love and history with choirs. When I played it, I was deeply moved to tears and played it a second time (also something I never do).

What was it about this college choir on a plane singing “Give Me Jesus” that got to me?  There’s no place like a delayed plane on a tarmac to cause a large quantity of busy and diverse people to come to a screeching hault … together.  And in that pause, a message of simplicity about Divinity intersected via music.  Amazing.

But it was more than that.  Those lyrics … “you can have all of this world, just give me Jesus” …  pierced soul that has been wearied by this week’s current events.

On Tuesday, it was the Supreme Court’s hearing of the case against Hobby Lobby about whether first amendment (religious liberties) applies to for-profit corporations.  Then World Vision captured the attention when they changed their employment policy regarding hiring gay married couples then reversed it 2 days later. Right now, the theaters are playing NOAH, SON OF GOD, GOD’S NOT DEAD all at the same time. Attention (good and bad) is being drawn to Christians.  Debate is ensuing among Christians.  People I love and respect on opposing sides of issues. With blogging, facebook, texting, etc., words fly more fast and freely than any time in history.   We will never again be at a loss for one more opinion or perspective on any topic.  At times, it’s exhausting!  It causes me to long for greater revelation of the person of Jesus Christ and to just be with Him?  “Just give me Jesus.” I think I’ll hit play one more time. “…. Just give me Jesus.”