Saturday, December 13, 2014

Depression in December

For those of us in the people-helping arena, it's no secret that depression is highest in December more than any other month of the year. Here are a few tips that I've found helpful.

1)      LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS.  They may be justified and good expectations. But that space between your reality and your mental expectations is where depression lives. Holiday movies, facebook posts or Christmas newsletters create a snapshot of high points that can't portray the full story that includes challenge and investment.

2)      MAKE NEW MEMORIES WHILE HONORING THE PAST. Nostalgia can become a dangerous trap if we get locked into yesteryear.  Glance back, remember, thank God for what was good, be realistic about what was not … then be fully present today. Today is a gift for fresh experiences and new memories.

3)      WATCH FOR SOMEONE YOU CAN BLESS.   You have something to offer that will touch someone. Watch for it.

4)    FIND SPACE TO FEEL.   If you try to ignore or stuff your emotions, they often come out sideways in other forms (e.g. anger, shutting down, addictive behaviors, illness).  Another option is to go off and find some space to feel. Whether it's reflective journaling, listening to music, having a good cry or taking a crisp winter walk/run, finding space to feel can bring freedom, mostly if Jesus is invited to join you.  While you talk with Jesus listen to Him and let Him GIFT YOU with His extreme love for you. It was out of love for you that Jesus came on that first Christmas and He's alive and waiting to be invited into your space.

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