Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 14, 2007 - Friday

.. "Hey Leann, I'm sitting in a Nichole Nordeman concert and couldn't help but think of you. How are you? Love you." (sent from portable device). What a surprise to hear from you! Is Nichole as wonderful as ever? How are you? I love you, too."
Leann moved from Cleveland to New Mexico about 9 years ago and we both have a deep appreciation for Nichole Nordeman's composing and ministry.
The answer is YES! She's as incredible as ever. Last night Cuyahoga Community Church sponsored Nichole in concert here in Cleveland. She is so comfortable on the stage and non pretentious. Her writing is deep, creative and moving. Her performance ... the same, really. Pure, clear, authentic, acoustic excellence. I only wish she would have kept going another hour. Highlights? Hmmm... Her song "I AM" hit me in a new way because of the series we're doing at Rockside Church right now looking at the various names of God. It's a perpetual pursuit to uncover all of God's qualities. The CONCEPT she shared that stuck with me the most is the funny story of buying suction bagging from an info-mercial, then wondering what would remain of our Christianity if we vacuumed all the space and hot air away and nothing remained but the substance of us and GOD and that connection. I've been rolling that thought around in my head all day today. Fantastic concert. Thanks Pastor Brian and CVC for Nichole Nordeman! Leann, let's swap an e-mail!

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