Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Dream Come True

I don't remember how old I was, but I remember having to stand on my tip toes to see over the counter to watch the cotton candy being made. Republic Steel (where our dad worked) sponsored a company picnic at Idora Park in Youngstown every summer my parents took my sisters and I for the day. Two thoughts went through my mind as I watched the cotton candy lady do her magic. "I would love to have that job when I grow up!" and "wouldn't it be fun to eat right out of the machine!"

I've grown up since then. But I haven't lost my love for cotton candy. And I never got to make the stuff .... until today that is.
For the July 4th event, our church sold cotton candy. But the line was non-stop and our team was focused and serious and, well, they were professionals. I watched in amazement from a distance and did get a huge bag to eat. Today the crowd was light and there was no line at our booth. Today was my day. At first, I politely offered. "Does anyone need a break?" "Need any help in there?" The three capable guys returned the politeness with a "no thanks".

I knew my approach would need to change so I humbled myself and begged. "Hey, John would it be okay if I gave that a try?" He passed me a cone, stepped aside and said, "Sure, help yourself."

For the next hour, I spun bubblegum, blueberry and cherry cotton candy. Was it all I had dreamed? Yes! and more. You can relax, because I assure you I did NOT eat right of the machine. But driving home, eating out of my personal bag of bubblegum flavored cotton candy propped up on the passenger's seat, a smile came over my face as I realized it had been a day of a fulfilled dream.. in a sweet and fluffy way.

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